Adopt Me: Sage Pups and Kits!

Senior dogs and cats make the BEST pets! They are typically already housebroken/litter trained, don’t chew, and are completely content to just lay by your side while you watch the latest episode of House! Here are some elder dogs and cats looking for their forever homes:

Fez at Atlanta Beagle Rescue

Pumpkin at Urban Pet Project

Ellie at Atlanta Beagle Rescue

Buck at Urban Pet Project
(photo courtesy of Hannah Michalski)

Tilly at Atlanta Beagle Rescue

Scooper at Urban Pet Project

Sophia at Atlanta Beagle Rescue

Tangelo at Urban Pet Project

Categories: Atlanta Beagle Rescue, beagles, cats, dogs, pet adoption, pictures, rescue, Urban Pet Project | Leave a comment

Responsible, Honest Rescue

A recent investigative report from Atlanta’s Fox 5 news team has made animal rescue a hot topic in the city. Social networks are buzzing and spreading this story, and citizens are demanding change. I agree. Change is necessary, especially with “rescues” who lie and take money without using it for the intended purpose and when you claim to be a “no kill” shelter and then euthanize adoptable dogs for reasons unknown.

The story also raises the question — what does “no kill” mean? It’s a difficult topic for many of us, and I have no intention of trying to define what it should mean. But I’ll tell you a little about what I believe in my heart. The rescue groups I work with have philosophies that I whole-heartedly agree with. When we take in animals, we commit to them for life. Ninety-eight percent of the time this means doing routine vetting and finding an amazing forever home for the animal, as well as being an ongoing resource and support the animal and his/her forever family. But in the other two percent of the cases, euthanasia may be the most humane choice to make. These cases are most often due to serious illness or behavioral issues. In either case, all possible options are exhausted before the difficult decision is made, and when it is made, we are with the animal as if they were our own.

Case in point — My sweet Mac:

Mac was a beautiful purebred beagle surrendered by his owner to my local animal control facility. The owner left little information on Mac. We took him in thinking he would be an easy placement, and he was. He was adopted by an awesome family who were committed to helping Mac overcome what we thought was his only behavioral issue — food aggression. But at that time, we were unaware that Mac’s behavior issues ran so much deeper. I worked with his adoptive family on training and counseled them through the difficult decision to return him. He had bitten his new dad twice, once related to food aggression and once for no detectable reason. They had kids and understandably didn’t feel having Mac in their home was safe. I brought Mac back to my house so I could evaluate his behavior. I worked with him on the food aggression and he seemed to be getting better with it. But then, one night, I saw the unpredictability of Mac’s behavior to the full extent. When he bit me, I was in shock more from the glazed over, head down, kill-type mode of Mac’s demeanor than from the actual bite.

We discussed Mac’s case with vets, rescue friends, and behaviorists, and the consensus was that he either had a brain injury from abuse (he had always been hand shy) or he had Rage Syndrome. We made the difficult decision to put Mac to rest. I kept him at my house for 2 weeks (because he bit me state law required him to be quarantined before he could be put to sleep) while my parents kept my dogs at their house. I gave him the best 2 weeks I could and held him in my lap as he died. It was one of the most difficult days of my life, and I still choke up when I think about it. I loved Mac, and as far as I’m concerned, he was mine.

But as a rescue group, putting Mac to sleep was the most responsible, loving decision we could make. I have a permanent scar on my arm from Mac’s bite, but the permanent hole he left in my heart is much bigger.

Some who read this may not agree, but I, and my rescue peers, feel that we did what was best for Mac. Thankfully, cases like Mac’s are very uncommon, and we can often work through behavior issues with consistent, positive training. We will always try everything possible. That, to me, is responsible rescue.

Categories: Atlanta Beagle Rescue, beagles, dogs, rescue | 1 Comment

Update on My Second Found Dog

I found this little guy running around outside my fence a few months back … making the beagles go CRAZY! After looking for his owners to no avail, this pup is now looking for his forever home at Urban Pet Project. We call him Gherkin Pickle Miser!


Categories: dogs, pet adoption, pictures, rescue, Urban Pet Project | Leave a comment

A New Look

I’m still working on some changes to the blog and trying to get a better organizational agenda for my daily posts (as well as trying to get back to daily posts)! The purpose of this blog is to share information about animal rescue in Atlanta, mainly focusing on the animals in need of forever homes. I also like to throw in some stories about my own life with a 7-count rescue crew. Let me know what you think about the new look, and also, if there is anything you would like to see more features on, please leave a comment!

Current foster dog:

This is Sophia. She’s a Beagle/Brittany Spaniel mix and is available for adoption through Atlanta Beagle Rescue.

Categories: Atlanta Beagle Rescue, beagles, cats, dogs, pictures, rescue | Leave a comment

Adopt Me, Part II: More Cats at UPP!

We’ve had an amazing first two months at Urban Pet Project, with 34 adoptions to date. Many of these have been dogs finding their forever families, and while we’ve had a few cats adopted, we are hoping that our all of our amazing adult cats will find homes this month! I shared Tangelo’s story with you yesterday, and here are some of our beyond-kittenhood cats who want nothing more than a cozy, loving home to lay their heads!


Ron Burgundy




Ok, I’ll share some of our kittens too. They’re super cute and have the typical energy and antics of kittens. We’d love to see these two adopted together. Trust me, from firsthand experience, adopting two kittens is better than adopting one — for sanity’s sake, they can tire each other out!!! ; )



Urban Pet Project is located at 720B 14th Street, Atlanta. We are open for adoptions Tuesday-Sunday, 11-5!

Categories: cats, pet adoption, rescue, Urban Pet Project | Leave a comment

Adopt Me: A Cat Against All Odds

Tangelo is an amazing, beautiful orange tabby cat who has faced more adversity in his life than most humans could even handle — and he’s retained his gusto for life and love of all people.

Tangelo lived much of his life in a home with nearly 20 cats. When his owner died recently, the owner of the house he was living in discovered the hoard of cats. Most of the cats were fairly social but in poor health. Tangelo was horribly skinny, had seriously infected ears, and wasn’t eating. The landlord of the property was the first angel to cross Tangelo’s path. Instead of calling animal control as many would have, she made arrangements with Urban Pet Project to get the cats vetted and into rescue.

Once checked out by the vet, UPP  finally had an answer for Tangelo’s lack of appetite and low body weight — rotten teeth that were never properly addressed. He was scheduled right away for a dental and had to have all but one tooth removed. Tangelo’s ears were also treated and he’s now feeling SO much better. He’s on a wet-food-only diet from now on, but he’s eating much better and slowly gaining weight.

Tangelo is a social butterfly at Urban Pet Project, greeting visitors with a warm “Howdy” and an irresistable “Come Hither” stare. He is ready for his forever family and would love his new home to have plenty of visitors he can charm. For more information on making Tangelo a permanent member of your family, visit Urban Pet Project!

Special thanks to Leesia Teh Photography for these fabulous pictures of Tangelo!

Categories: cats, pet adoption, rescue, Urban Pet Project | 1 Comment

Adjusting to Early Mornings

My new job comes with WAY early mornings! I’m not much of a morning person, but for the love of animals … right?! My fur crew has adjusted to the new hours better than I have. Well, I guess if all I had to do at dawn was get up, go to the bathroom, eat, and go back to sleep … I’d adjust pretty quickly too! Gotta love ’em!

Categories: beagles, dogs, pictures, rescue | Leave a comment

Catching Up

Relish, available for adoption at Urban Pet Project

My blogging break was unintentional but needed. I started a new job and have been plain exhausted. But with this new job, I have realized one half of my dream — I’m working (ie: getting paid!) in pet rescue, specifically at a new rescue in Atlanta called Urban Pet Project. (My second half to my dream involves writing, but I haven’t gotten that far yet. Refer back to comment on exhausted!)

Ivan, adopted from Urban Pet Project

Urban Pet Project is an exciting thing for my city. Not only are we working directly with our local animal control facility to save more animals, but we are also working on community projects, education, and advocacy to assist individuals with their pets. Right now, I am an animal caretaker and open the shelter each morning. I’m  hoping for, praying for, funding that will enable me to extend my role to serve as an adoption counselor for our visitors and animals. I love working with people and helping match them with the pet they have been longing for. It’s a great experience and very rewarding.

Skyler, adopted from Urban Pet Project

Of course, as a start-up rescue, we are still trying to build our fan and supporter base. We’ve had a slow but successful first month of adoptions — 18 so far! We are in need of foster homes and volunteers to help us achieve our mission. If you would like to be a part of Urban Pet Project, visit our website or Facebook page! We can definitely use everyone’s help!

Fez, available for adoption at Atlanta Beagle Rescue

Does this mean I’m not working with Atlanta Beagle Rescue anymore? Silly, silly … NO WAY! I’ve actually taken on a new role there too! I now serve beside my dear friend Morgan, our President, as the Vice President of Beagles!! At this point, Atlanta Beagle Rescue continues to be all volunteer run, so that’s my side gig! But we have a great relationship with the Shelter Director at Urban Pet Project, so look for us to work together in the future to help save more animals in Atlanta.

I will, of course, be sharing more and more about Urban Pet Project and Atlanta Beagle Rescue here on my blog. So, stay tuned!

Categories: Atlanta Beagle Rescue, beagles, cats, dogs, pet adoption, rescue | Leave a comment

Rest in Peace, Lulu

One of the things I love about being involved with Atlanta Beagle Rescue is that we all, as a group, don’t shy away from the difficult requests. Lulu is a great case of just that. Just as 2012 started, our president got a call about an older beagle struggling in the shelter. The shelter warned us that she didn’t have long for this world and asked us to take her so she didn’t have to spend her last days in the shelter. Our president and our organization feel very strongly about this and have a huge heart for seniors … SO Lulu got sprung! We called her our “hospice case” and her foster mom, Wendy, loved on her and spoiled her to Lulu’s much appreciation.

But as the story often goes, Lulu had other plans. She wasn’t ready to simply lay down and die. NO, SIR! Turns out she had a case of pneumonia and after careful treatment from our vets, she bounced back and showed us her true, sassy-as-a-beagle-girl-should-be self! Lulu loved hanging out with the other dogs and getting loved on by all the people who passed through her foster homes.

Lulu lived up to the definition of DIVA 100%! We guessed her age to be somewhere around 14 or 15 … no way to know for sure. So we weren’t surprised when she started showing other signs of illness, mainly her growing tummy. Tests confirmed a tumor on her spleen. Her foster family watched her each day and assessed for quality of life and comfort. She had many more happy days than we expected, but just in the last week, her foster mom noticed Lulu experiencing more pain and discomfort in her normal daily activities. There was nothing to be done for her, and her foster mom made the difficult call that it was time to send Lulu peacefully over the Rainbow Bridge. By this time, Lulu was in her second foster home, and thankfully, both her first and her second foster moms were there to comfort and love Lulu in her final moments. No matter if our beagles are with us for a few days or many years, it’s never easy to let one go. I’m very appreciative of Lulu’s foster homes, Wendy and Morgan & Andy, for their amazing love of this special girl. I’m also thankful that Lulu had 6 months of the “good life” with Atlanta Beagle Rescue. I’m also very proud to be a part of an amazing organization and to get to work with incredible people!

Rest in Peace, Lulu Belle. Run free of pain. I picture you snuggled up on a sofa in heaven waiting for your next treat, and of course, vocalizing your displeasure if said treat is late. We love you, sweet girl!

Categories: Atlanta Beagle Rescue, beagles, dogs, rescue | Leave a comment

FOUND DOG, Yes … Another One!

This little guy was running around outside our fence, and of course, our dogs let us know of the intruder! Once I was able to grab him, I found he didn’t have a collar and wasn’t neutered. He was also a little freaked out by the human species. He’s not a neighborhood dog, and I took him to the vet today to check for a microchip … none. He  was found off of Arcado Road in Lilburn. If you know who his owner is, please email me at

Categories: dogs | 1 Comment

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